Friday, March 1, 2013


I feel myself getting lost.
The snow is falling outside;
I could stare at it forever.

I feel myself getting lost.
My lips sewn shut;
my thoughts loath to form.

I feel myself getting lost.
"Jaime, speak to me."
With what words do I speak?
How can I bridge the gap
between you and I--
and me and you?

I feel myself getting lost.
You are on a ship,
and I a small dinggy.
The ocean between us.
I can see you;
you can see me.
But it is just too far.

I feel myself getting lost.
Floating farther
and farther
You stretch out your hand.
Do I dare lift mine?

I feel myself getting lost.
The world seems foreign;
it's safer in here.

I feel myself getting lost.
I'm scared to let you in;
scared to come out.

I feel myself getting lost.
Will the world drift away?
Or will I simply dissolve?

Is this really,
what I want?

I feel myself getting lost
in silence.
I feel myself getting lost.

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