Friday, July 13, 2018

i couldn't hear so i tried to write

all communication is an act of interpretation
trust is essential for communication to succeed

god’s word transmitted without body language or tone of voice
giving the text an author imposes a limit and closes the writing

trust is essential for communication to succeed
tell us if there is an author in this text?

giving the text an author imposes a limit and closes the writing
the twenty-first century is the age of the dislocated symbol

tell us if there is an author in this text?
presence and absence is displaced by pattern and randomness

the twenty-first century is the age of the dislocated symbol
sentences distilled to the precision of mathematical equations

presence and absence is displaced by pattern and randomness
at the edge of time when storytelling becomes impossible

sentences distilled to the precision of mathematical equations
what?—speak louder/articulate more clearly/that's preposterous

at the edge of time when storytelling becomes impossible
a love letter sent by post or email still speaks of love

what?—speak louder/articulate more clearly/that's preposterous
when divided by an ocean the written word sustains

a love letter sent by post or email still speaks of love
all communication is an act of interpretation

when divided by an ocean the written word sustains
god’s word transmitted without body language or tone of voice

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