Saturday, April 11, 2015


I can feel it happening:
I’ve stopped living my life.

Eric Forman.
Sam Winchester.
Vicky Austin.
Anyone but me.

“13 responses by women on why they’re still single”
All actresses.
Some I agree with, some I don’t.
Isn’t my answer good enough?

My job for the summer:
embody Emily Dickinson.

My body is stuck
in a box of six “why?”s.

I point to my heart—
“emotions are deceptive.”
I point to my soul—
“you’re forgetting depravity."
I point to the book—
“context makes that irrelevant.”
I point to my mind—
“there’s too much pride in man’s reason.”

So I cut myself down,
cover my head with old shame,
and within this box I slowly decay.

I can feel it happening:
I’m both dead and alive.
Don't peek inside so I can remain both.

1 comment:

  1. oh.
    no words in response.
    a sigh and a nod.
    well written.
